Find experts in fields that you move in with and learn from, in exchange for old fashion Apprentice duties – cooking, cleaning, etc.


Pain Bar

A way to gamify mental toughness.

A progress bar that you update every time you put yourself into a painful of uncomfortable situation. Progress through pain.


Asshole playing cards

Encounter an asshole blocking a door on the train? Is the person on the elevator screaming into their cell phone?

Give them the gift of an asshole card.

Asshole playing cards, the passive aggressive dig that feels so good.

Idea – have the company mail asshole postcards anonymously to people.


Uncommon Connections

A consulting firm built on the premise of finding experts in unrelated fields to solve your problems. The objective is to come up with the best solution that no one in their industry could think of, injecting a unique perspective and expertise that isn’t too close to the problem.

-Using project managers to help a person’s social life.
-Pick up artists to help a person get a job.
-Magicians to help consult for better company meetings.


Cyborg Politician

Democrats versus Republicans is old world vs old world. We need a new dialogic that starts from scratch.

The Cyborg Politician – Someone who sees the changing world, and wants to create the system that cultivates the future expansion. Or someone who is infected with technology and fears its expansion.

Think enabling smart cars. Think getting rid of and automating shit jobs, and replacing them with a baseline living wage.

Think voting online.

Think mining databases for health trends.

Think of turning the world into freelancers. Forget about conventional jobs in industries that are being artificially propped up.

Do individual rights matter? How do we secure digital patient records, etc, etc.

What are the non sexy components of this party?

An algorithm instead of a jury or peers. Publish the source code for the algorithm, so that the public can make sure that the programming is above board.

Union busting so that we can get rid of the Command and control teaching model. Rote memorization and standardardized curriculums must go.

What is the role of patent law? Do we make everything open source?

Home genetic testing.

Intro – to the tune of Beethovens Symphony no. 7 opus 92. building into it as we introduce the subject. No talking as the music crescendoes.

Art idea: the cover of The Leviathan, but done in binary.
Make leviathan more cyberpunk. Or make a cyberpunk leviathan (the serpent, not the man).

Leading thinkers
Futurist- Peter Thiel, Peter Diamandis, Eric Weinstein, Ray Kurzweil

Dark futurist – Sam Harris


Word Counter Across Devices

An app installed on all your devices to keep metrics on daily word count when writing. Can choose to exclude things like SMS from the count.

Other metrics can include peak writing times, peak days, etc.


Marketing Competition

Take a product, and have teams compete in the social media field to have it take off. Do it for free, but take a cut of the business. Get the best minds in their respective fields to be involved. Instagram, twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, blog, SEO, etc. They compete to get part ownership of the company. Winning team gets the largest stake.


End of Life Podcast

A podcast that interviews patients in their last moments. What is important to them? What is not? What are their proudest memories and biggest regrets.

The idea is to give the listener a reminder of their own mortality, and reminding them to enjoy the importance of simply enjoying life while we still have it.


Bad Habit Breaker app

An app that you program to hear every time you say a crutch word like “umm.” It can either give you immediate feedback by vibrating, or use it as a metrics tool.