Project: Business based on breaking bad habits

  1. Quit smoking Plus – Buy a quit smoking bracelet that tracks your nicotine levels.  If you consume a cigarette the clock restarts.  For each day you stay clean, you collect points.  Collect enough points and get random merch.  From gift cards, to sweat bands, to air fare to cash rewards.
  2. Winners always quit – A rep from the company does a reach out program every couple of weeks to bring new people in.  They go over the curriculum for the habit they want to break from smoking, drinking, drugs and building other habits in their place.  Flat fee of 5$ per month no contracts.  Donations always welcome.
  3. Hire someone to stand next to you and track your progress.  If you are about to relapse to what ever your bad habit is.  They talk to you, if you still want to do it they kick you in the balls / drop kick you in the tits.
  4. Meals for Habits – Quit for a week straight without any cheats on your habit?  Get a free meal, the longer you go the better the meal.
  5. Habit intervention – Know of someone with a bad habit that needs to change, consult their family and friends that want to make a difference.  Bring in our consultant that will help the intervention, they can lead or just be part of the process to help everyone deal with the emotions that come with an intervention.



One thought on “Project: Business based on breaking bad habits

  1. 1) Fat breaker. Take an embarrassing picture of yourself and upload it into our servers. Weigh yourself every day on our specially made scale (with the toe print reader built in to confirm it’s you). If you don’t reach your goal weight on time, our app blasts that awful picture across all of your social media.
    2) Quit Smoking Plus + band. Similar to Gary’s idea, but when it detects an increase in nicotine, the band electrocutes you.
    3) See your dying self – upload a short video of yourself, along with selecting what your bad habit is. Our software converts those images into a hyper-realistic 3d model that looks just like you, with one exception. In the app, you can see yourself dying a horrible, painful death triggered by your condition. Smoker? See yourself with tunes coming out of every hole as you wheeze your final breaths.
    4) Similar to above, attend your own funeral in a hyper-realistic VR simulation. Face death at that level, and you will think twice about your bad habits.
    5) Intervention Funeral Home. Instead of staging a typical intervention for an addict, the friends and family have a closed-casket mock funeral for them. They sit through that process and see the real impact of their disease. Can be used as an add-on business model to real funeral homes.

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