Project: Business to prevent you from loosing your shit.

  1.  A chip installed into your neck that reads your blood pressure readings.  When it gets too high, send you a notification to chill the fuck out.
  2. The chill pill – Taken for those who have anger issues, hypertension, etc. A pill that stays in your stomach till it feels stress in your body.  It then automatically releases volarian root , THC, depending on what version of the pill you bought.
  3. Feel yourself getting angry or upset like never before?  open the app and it automatically puts you in touch with a rep to talk you through your current emotion.  Kind of like a suicide hotline just less severe.
  4. Sometimes when we are down or angry wer just want silence.  And not the kind where you sit in a room but still hear the garbage truck from outside.  The Meditation headphones.  Like a Mute button for life.
  5. Stress and anger release class.  sometimes we want to just destroy something in the worst way possible.  Join a class of 5 people.  Talk about what you are angry about, you are given a mission to complete in the warehouse space within x amount of time.  Like destroy 10 vases, set fire to 1 garage, shoot 10 cans.  Complete the objective and get merch, next class free.  The objective is to get rid of all frustrations and focus on something else while doing so.  Team building is here too, the more your squad achives together, the harder the tasks the next time and participate in the tournament against the top 10 teams that complete tasks together.



One thought on “Project: Business to prevent you from loosing your shit.

  1. 1) Affordable mini GPS trackers that your body can’t digest. Whenever that sneaky poop tries to get itself lost, you are able to find it with your cell phone.
    2) Teddy Bear Hologram. Whenever your wearable senses your blood pressure shooting up, your cell phone projects a cute teddy bear in front of you. You then follow that teddy bear to the nearest toy store, to find a real one to cuddle with.
    3) Rent a puppy for an hour. Order delivery of a puppy to play with for an hour from the local shelter.
    4) A high pitched whistle that triggers from your phone when it senses you getting angry. Jars you back to reality.
    5) If you are a screamer, the app automatically detects when you raise your voice, and records it. It then plays it back to you before bed, for you to hear how insane you sound.

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