Project: Five businesses or company policies to optimize employee performance

1) Office sleep pods. Nap time to improve employee performance.
2) A work tracker that tracks peek output times for the employee. This isn’t to track performance, but to help build a more optimal work schedule for them.
3) An internal recruiting software that let’s your list your skills and interests. Instead of a company based on departments, you get recruited to projects based on those skills. Once the project is complete, all teammates rate those skills. Turns the company into freelancers, and lets people participate in projects based on interest and skill-set.
4) CorpCoin – an internal company currency. Each employee can earn CorpCoins based on performance, for doing projects and extra work. You can trade those coins for days off, free lunches, paid courses and other benefits. Employees can also tip each other for helping out with projects.
5) An employee off site retreat that gets workers to think creatively, doing in person ideation and brainstorming sessions, mixed with massages and nature. Reboot both the body and the mind. No work talk allowed. Otherwise nazi robots come out of the wall and electrocute you with a cow prod.


One thought on “Project: Five businesses or company policies to optimize employee performance

  1. 1. Task points – kind of like DKP system for rewards after completed tasks. Log all work, if you dont do shit, you get called out on it, if you do good work you get points. Its a win – win for striving businesses

    2. Weekly meeting with CEO / CIO / Lead of your managers, go over weekly meetings and quotas. This is to get feed back on your work, and the work being presented, is it challengeing you? is it moving the company forward?

    3. Seminars with pros of your industry. Bring in people in the top 20 percentile in your job market, interview them, learn from them as mentors for a day. This will increase the creativity and understanding to do work better.

    4. Morning group activities – Participate in a run ,coffee meeting, go over the expectations for the day, what needs to be done. By doing so we all have the same scope and what would help you go the extra mile and can possibly help another person with what they are doing.

    5. The Personal raise list – Talk with your superior if you are eligible for a pay scale raise – This can be negotiated. Gives you a list of things that need to be completed in order for you to receive the raise / bonus you are looking for. This will help some people avoid the initial confrontation of asking for a raise or asking for a raise when you havent earned it.

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