Create a machine that organizes your socks for you.
Life Tourist
You make the most of every moment when you’re a tourist on vacation. Now how do we make people realize that we’re all just tourists in life on earth?
A lifestyle brand, a blog, a product line. I don’t know.
An app that automatically keeps track of how many hours a day you sit
They say sitting is the new smoking. We certainly sit for more hours than is healthy. We need an app that automatically gives us sitting statistics.
Wake up mist
Like the fancy mists that woman use to freshen up, but marketed to men, to wake you up.
Support app
I feel people that quit or succumb to negative things while striving for greater things, do so because they do not get enough support.
There are probably apps that are out there like this, however this is different. They most likely just open the app and have to actually look at a pick me up, however this apps purpose is to give you a pick me up at random that occurs every hour or so. This way you are not looking for it, but rather it comes to find you.
Pick me ups are differentiated by category such as Someone died, failures, Mistakes, financial problems, dealing with suicidal thoughts.
Regular service entails quotes, “its alright” texts emails, alerts.
Paid depending on which premium service you choose $15/M, 25/M, $50/M.
15 – Gives you a 30 minute session via phone with 1 specialist that must be scheduled in advance.
25 – 30min Session with with any Specialist(s) via skype, phone, must be scheduled in advance.
50 – hour sessions with specialist via phone, skype, and in certain areas, in person meet ups for up to 30 minutes.
Infographic Resume
A site that generate the most interactive resume possible by letting you upload, and drag and drop to create an infographic resume.
Kinda like this:
Password sharer upon death
A will for your passwords. A way to control who gets which password after you go.
Business passwords can go to a partner, facebook can go to a loved one, etc. You decide to make everyone’s life easier.
Pick up school
We discussed this before. Run basic world of pick up seminars. Private business private clients. Kind of like a therapist for vagina…
Keep you social
An app that pings all of your extended social circle on a recurring schedule, to keep you in touch with people in your network effortlessly.
It generates a message for you in the communication platform you normally use with that person (Facebook messenger, text, hangouts, etc). The message appears, and all you have to do is edit it if you want, and hit send.
It automatically generates unique messages based on the previous conversation.
School for the “for dummies” books
Have a class on the books by someone that’s a pro with that particular skillset. Basically a learn and review class for a set price.