Project: 5 Ways to Find Your Passion

1) An amusement park for adults. But instead of rides, you try different activities from different fields. A section for blacksmithing, a section for programming, for sewing, etc. In Vegas you lose yourself, in Vladyland you find yourself.

2) An app that has you fill out a questionnaire about yourself. Your profession, your hobbies, your interests. It then gives you daily (or weekly) suggestions to try new things completely unrelated to your life. It gives you step by step recommendations on how to start, for a complete beginner.

3) A VR video game series where you can work as an apprentice in a completely new field. You learn directly from a digitized master in that field, actually practicing the rigorous skills and knowledge necessary to get by. Spend a day as a crab fisherman, or as an artist in a classroom with Bob Ross (using Google’s new VR drawing software). This will replace college one day.

4) Sometimes, finding your passion is doing a bunch of things that you don’t want to do. You become a freelancer for us, and we send you to do a new job each workday. You never repeat the same job. We pay you for the day. You get to try a bunch of new jobs. Employers rate your daily performance to see if you can keep working with us.

5) Passion Tamagachi. It’s an old school Tamagachi. You raise it. You level it up. It dies. And when it dies, it gives you a text that tells you what passion you should pursue. (This can be based on an algorithm looking at how you took care of it. Or can be completely effing random) for finding the right business partner

One ongoing problem for many entrepreneurs is finding a good business partner. This would be a service that works like a dating website, but instead of finding a mate, you find a compatible Co-founder.


Project: Ways to improve the bathroom experience (home or office)

  1. Touch pad requests – On the shitter there is a pad to your side that cannot be broken.  It gives you an option to: Play Games, Ask for Assistance (If you cannot get up aka too drunk), Toilet paper, baby wipes etc.  Can be a flat fee for the machine or a pay per use.
  2. Hurry up! – In some busy buildings people take really long shits.  Once the door closes behind you in the stall, after 10 minutes, a person on the other side can press a button that will start to shake the toilet seat after another 10 minutes if the person is not out.  This will increase productivity on most places and also allow people to do their business and move on.
  3. Automatic doors that lock – when leaving the bathroom after washing your hands, the door opens it self so you don’t have to touch a dirty handle on your way out after washing your hands.
  4. Hair Station – a Private stall that is designated for hair only.  You can wash, dry and style your hair with products in there that you pay for.  Pay per use or monthly membership.  Also available in premium in some places that come with their own stylist.
  5. The Throne – a Clear room that is set as a VR room so when shitting you can set it to – top of mount Everest, the grand canyon, the Sahara, anywhere in the world.  Also available with smell.

Project: Business based on breaking bad habits

  1. Quit smoking Plus – Buy a quit smoking bracelet that tracks your nicotine levels.  If you consume a cigarette the clock restarts.  For each day you stay clean, you collect points.  Collect enough points and get random merch.  From gift cards, to sweat bands, to air fare to cash rewards.
  2. Winners always quit – A rep from the company does a reach out program every couple of weeks to bring new people in.  They go over the curriculum for the habit they want to break from smoking, drinking, drugs and building other habits in their place.  Flat fee of 5$ per month no contracts.  Donations always welcome.
  3. Hire someone to stand next to you and track your progress.  If you are about to relapse to what ever your bad habit is.  They talk to you, if you still want to do it they kick you in the balls / drop kick you in the tits.
  4. Meals for Habits – Quit for a week straight without any cheats on your habit?  Get a free meal, the longer you go the better the meal.
  5. Habit intervention – Know of someone with a bad habit that needs to change, consult their family and friends that want to make a difference.  Bring in our consultant that will help the intervention, they can lead or just be part of the process to help everyone deal with the emotions that come with an intervention.

Project : business based off revenge

1.  Someone did you dirty?  Log onto the site, pick a revenge off of the list.  Each revenge is worse than the last, the worse the Revenge the pricier it gets.  The more people invalves and how bad you want to crush them, is also taken I to affect.  Also available party packages.  Everything done anonymously

2. The tip off – Someone ruined your relationship?  Put that person on blast on a blast list for locals in your area.  If the person is going on a date on tinder and they are black listed, the person going on the date will be sent a black star to notify them they are on the shit list.

3. Co worker did you dirty? Consult our specialists and they will create the perfect revenge legally for office affairs

4.  ” the magic envelope” send to the person you want revenge on.  They open a letter that in bold letters says lick this peice.  An arrow points to 2 corners of the paper.  Then says hold for 5 seconds and drop the paper.  They will do it causing an adhesive crazy glue to take effect and they won’t be able to take off the glue or paper for a few hours

5. The prank / revenge app.  Anyone can apply and anyone can do it.  Put out a request in your caffee, restaurant, work place, etc.  It’s a form of ad that will look like this.

Spill coffee on 5’7 male and a picture of where they are sitting.  – 5$

Both the person performing the action and requesting the action have to confirm on both ends before transaction completes,


A shower attachment that notifies you as soon as the temperature hits your desired temp

For those of us that don’t have the most responsive showers…


Project: Ways to Improve the office experience

  1. VR Work station – Save people to commute, and promote work from home options.
  2. Complementary Drink Safe – Opens after hours, employees have a card they put into the machine that allows them based off of the work they do to get X amount of free drinks.
  3.  Task completion Points – Win Free shit based off of the tasks completed.  Finish a document / spread sheet? Collect 5 points.  Kind of like the Survey app that gives you cents.  After a while you can spend your points on a day off, hourly pay, coffee on the company, etc…
  4.  Company that offers professional volunteer help to companies.  Need a pro to increase productivity, send in a request, send someone in for a week or so to help out. Companies are just asked to donate.  Its more for helping people than anything else.
  5. Bosses Implement an idea policy – Suggestion box so to say.  Anonymous tip box for optimizing the business.  If the boss likes it , he marks it as a check box and you can choose to run it by him/ her in person after getting the approval.

Project: ways to solve Unfished projects

  1. Join a group of people that specialize in the same project.
  2. Sign up to a mandatory project completion site.  If you do not complete task by X you will be charged to your debit card.  The money that is taken is given back to you once you have completed the project
  3. Join a group that permits people legally to come wake you up earlier to get things done.  They dont leave until you write down a code that is sent to your email on a paper the leader of the noise makers holds.
  4. Downloadable software that tracks your project progression.  It will block all games, social media  till completion.
  5. Your family members get contacted about your project and we encourage them to reach out every day to see how the project is progressing.

Bra Pocket

An attachable pocket that clips onto the inside of the bra.


Seizure Tracker

For the unfortunate people that have seizures in their sleep, you insert it into your bed like a regular sleep tracker, and use it to monitor if you’re having one, with the option of notifying a loved one if you do.